People of West Torrens
Kaurna Country - City of Charles Sturt collaboration with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield Welcome to Kaurna Country film
Warraparna Kaurna! Reclaiming an Australian language - University of Adelaide / Rob Amery ebook
Kaurna Meyunna Cultural Mapping - A peoples living cultural landscape / City of Charles Sturt - Karl Winda Telfer and Gavin Malone with assistance from Matthew Osborne and Tom Gara, 2012
Nganu and Tjilbruke a tale of two Heros - a short video story developed by Monash University through partnership between Kaurna Warra Karrpanthi Aboriginal Corporation and South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools, in consultation with Kaurna Elder Uncle Lewis O’Brien.
Identities of West Torrens
ALLCHURCH, Henry (1859-1943) Kurralta Park subdivision
ALLUM, Mahomet (c1858-1964) Herbalist, Naturopath, Faith Healer - based at Everard Park but had many clients in the West Torrens area
AUNGER, Horace Hooper Murray (1878-1953) Main Street Lockleys ; Henley Beach Road Underdale; Motor engineer and overland explorer with George Gilmore White and Captain S.A. White
BAGOT, Edward Meade 'Ned' (1822-1886) Pioneer pastoralist, stock agent, mining entrepreneur, thoroughbred horse racing and breeding; South Australian Jockey Club; 'Boiling-down works' Hilton
BATCHELOR, Egerton Lee (1865-1911) Keswick, United Labor Party
BICKFORD, William (-1850) Bickford Street, Richmond
BLACKLER, WILLIAM (1827-1896) Horseman of West Torrens
BRICE, Christopher John (1949-2012) Lockleys ; The Way We Were Advertiser journalist
BRITTAIN family Lockleys War Service WW1, and WW2
BRICE, Daniel (1817-1901) D Brice and Son, Beans Road (now Dew Street) Thebarton ; Brickmaker
BROCK (OAM), Lois (1923-2021) Founder Kurralta Park Kindergarten, Barwell Avenue; Meals on Wheels; Richmond Primary School; School Welfare Club; West Torrens Historical Society Inc
CHARLESWORTH, William (c1829-1896) Charlesworth Court, Mile End; West Torrens Councillor (Thebarton Ward) 1876-1880
CHENEY, Arthur Edward 'Tim' (1918-1994) Builder; Main Street, Lockleys; Kooyong Court, Shopping Centre, Lockleys; 1967 Telethon House of Hope, 568 Burbridge (now 568 Sir Donald Bradman Drive) Lockleys
CONGDON, James (1888-1960) Because of his long and happy association with the South Australian Railways, in tandem with the fact that he had also been a long-term resident of the area, James Congdon Drive, Mile End was named in his honour in 1999.
COOMBE, Victor Knight (1890-1955) Radio Broadcaster, Mile End; 5DN Ernest Hume, Mile End; 5BZ W.E. Launder-Cridge, Pareora, Henley Beach Road, Brooklyn Park; 5MB H.M. Brown, 24 Northcote Street, Torrensville; 5XK A.J. Hewitt, 233 Henley Beach Road, Torrensville; 5WS Western Suburban Radio Club 44 King Street, Mile End
DASSELL (DAZZLE), Charlie (1853-1923) Butcher, Marleston
DAY, Thomas (1827-1921) Keswick Pioneer
DOOLAND, Bruce (1904-1980) West Torrens Cricket Club (1938-1958), State Cricket Representative; West Torrens Baseball Club (1939-1948)
DYKE, Elizabeth E Dyke and Son Drapery Store 58 Rowland Road, corner of Washington Street (Sir Donald Bradman Drive), Hilton
DYKE, Albert Ernest Dyke (1879-1959) E Dyke and Son Drapery Store 58 Rowland Road, corner of Washington Street (Sir Donald Bradman Drive), Hilton
ELPHICK, Gladys (1904-1988) Aboriginal community leader who lived in West Thebarton for a brief period (c1946-1951) with her second husband
EVANS, Private Francis Gilbert (1894-1915) World War One Gallipoli Hero; 26 Rankine Road Torrensville (New Mile End)
GLENNON, Thomas James Patrick 'Pat' (1927-2004) Jockey; Bucklands, North Plympton, Boss Avenue, South Richmond (Marleston)
GOLDSMITH, Dulcima (Dulcie) Florence Mary (1912-1993) Lockleys Ladies Choir 1953-2008
GRAY, William Henry (1808-1896) Businessman, Early Pioneer and Landowner, Frogmore, West Beach, North Glenelg; West Torrens Councillor 1866-1869, 1871-1878
GUM (MBE OAM), Daphne Lorraine (1916-2017) Director, Crippled Children’s Centre; Annesley Methodist Church College; West Torrens Historical Society founding member
HAIGH, Claude Alfred (1904-1980) Confectioner, Racehorse Breeder, Mile End
HALL, Aubrey Eugene (1899-1970) Dance Teacher 1920s-1960s, Plympton (Elizabeth Helena May Edeson, Nell Teasdale, Kathleen Florence Maddern)
HANK, Robert William ' Bob' (1923-2012) and family Torrens Avenue, Lockleys - Market Gardeners, West Torrens and SA Football player (Thebarton Oval, Hank Brothers Stand)
HANRAHAN, Barbara (1939-1991 Thebarton Artist and Author ; City of West Torrens - view information about her art and books with links to other resources; Scent of Eucalyptus Walk - updated booklet to follow in Barbara's footsteps (Mile End and Thebarton Area); State Library Image Collection - view a range of images relating to her life and subsequent commemorations
HARE, Charles Simeon (1808-1882) Early Pioneer; Landowner; West Torrens Councillor 1853-1854, MP, Prison design The Stockade Dry Creek, Yatala Labour Prison, Comptroller of Convicts, Manager SA Railways; Fair View, Greystone, Marion Road, Plympton
HENDRICKSON, Dr Douglas Buxton (1911-1979) Medical Doctor, Owner Kandahar North Plympton (1951-1972)
IELASI, Giuseppe Rosario 'Joe' (1927-2013) Master Tailor, Torrensville; Donald Allan Dunstan AC QC (1926-1999)
INGERSON, Frederick William 'Will' (1878-1944) West Torrens Councillor, Keswick Ward, 1915-20 and 1942-44
INGERSON, William Alexander 'Bill' (1911-1957) West Torrens Councillor, Keswick Ward, 1938-41; Bakery, 94 Nottingham Avenue, (now Richmond Road) Keswick
JACKSON née RIGGS, Yvonne (1920-2014) Glandore Boys Home, Meals on Wheels, West Torrens Historical Society
KEANE family Thebarton Milk delivery; Murray Street, West Thebarton; Ballantyne Street, West Thebarton; Walter Street, Thebarton; William Joseph Keane (1881-1947) ; Bernard William Keane (1913-1991)
KUNOTH-MONKS, Rosalie 'Ngarla' Lynette (1937-2022) Actress, Jedda; First Nations advocate and political role model; St James Church of England, 10 Falcon Avenue, Mile End
LEA, Miss E, Tramway Tea Lady (late 1890s - early 1900s)
LIGHT, Colonel William (1786-1839) Surveyor and 'Founder of Adelaide' - State Library Image Collection - view a range of images relating to Light and his home at Thebarton ; The Founder of Adelaide unveiling of memorial 1905 - State Library of SA digital collection
LLOYD, Martha Ellen (1893-1966) Military Road, West Beach
LOCKSLEY, Maurice (1864-1943) Foundation Head Teacher, Camden Public School 1919-1930
MADDERN, Mervyn (1927-) Treasured Story Project - St John Community Care document of Mervyn's life story with detailed recollections of his life and what it was like in his years living and working in the West Torrens area
MALCOLM, William (-1858) The ghost of Rowells Road; Metters Corner; Stanley house, Lockleys
MARJORAM, Richard (c1805-1897) Reedbeds, winemaker, gunsmith; West Torrens Councillor (1862-1868)
MCLEAN OBE, Allan Robert Charles 'Bob' 1914-1989 Football administrator, Sportsperson
MCLEAN, Donald (1772-1855) Pastoralist, Hilton, Marleston, Strathalbyn
MELROSE, Charles James 'Jimmy' (1913-1936) Aviator; James Melrose Road, Glenelg North/Novar Gardens
MODRA, Joan (née Tilbrook) Memories from 3 Poynton Street Cowandilla, Cowandilla Primary School and Crace Road, Fulham
MORPHETT OBE, Audrey Cummins (1902-1983) Cummins House, Novar Gardens
MOUNTFORD, Charles Pearcy (1890-1976) Anthropologist, Ethnographer, Author, Torrensville
NELSON family, Marleston Post Office/General Store William Nelson (1828-1903); William Henry Nelson (1859-1939); William Alfred Nelson (1889-1981)
NOACK, Errol Wayne (1945-1966) Vietnam War Service, Marleston
OLIVER, Claude Hamilton (1888-1962) Independent Grocer, Buyers Ltd founder, Home Services Stores, Keswick, Hilton, Torrensville
OSBORN family, Plant nursery, Richmond 1889-2001; Richmond Road, Bruce Avenue, Marleston; Frederick Robert Osborn (1860-1930); Frederick Bertie Osborn (1888-1974); John Osborn (1919-1997)
PARKER, Lieutenant Walter Gordon Parker (1903-1931) War Service, Keswick
POTTER, James Anderson (1875-1927) SW corner Henley Beach and Marion Roads, Brooklyn Park; Brooklyn Nurseries, Holbrook Apartments
POYNTON OBE, Alexander (1853-1935) Labourer, Amalgamated Shearers Union, MP 1893-1922, Subdivision, suburb of Grey, 1922; Puntabie, Hounslow Avenue, New Mile End (now Torrensville)
RALPH, Glen Ross (1932-2018) Mile End, Lockleys; Author; Wilmar Library
RAMSAY CBE, Alexander Maurice (1914-1978) 6 Rowells Road, Lockleys; Teacher; SA Housing Trust 1943-1978
READ, Philip Andreas 'Phil' (1904-c1980) West Torrens Football Club, 1925-35, Life Member; Umpire league football 1936-45; Umpire coach 1946-55; Founding member SA Umpires Association 1947/Life Member; S.A.N.F.L Life Member; Founding member of the Australian Lawn Tennis Umpires Association 1947
READE, Charles Compton (1880-1933) Town Planner - Thebarton Oval-Thebarton Senior College precinct, portions of Kurralta Park-North Plympton and Marleston; Galway Gardens suburb design 1919
REID, John 'Johnny' (1850-1930) Butcher / Livery, Stables, Carriage dealer, Horse Bus Business / Clerk of Course, Adelaide Cup ; Bleak House, Nottingham Avenue (Richmond Road), Richmond
RICHARDSON, George (1848-1921) NW corner George Street and Port Road, Thebarton; Ironfounder, Albatross Flying Machine; Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson (1883 -1949)
RIGGS, Harold (1891-1969) War Service, Brooker Terrace, Richmond, Richmond Blocks
ROBERTSON OAM, Claude Gordon George (1921-1976) City of West Torrens, Mayor 1989-1998
ROFE, Herbert (1876-1947) Headmaster, Cowandilla Primary School
SATTERLEY, John (1933-2021) Recollections of Cowandilla; Fulham Park Drive, Torrens Bridge; Cowandilla Primary School (1938-46); Adelaide High School (1947-50); St James Anglican Church Mile End, Father Charles J. Whitfield Rector 1921 to 1957; Advertiser newspaper; 7 (now 11) Neill Road, Cowandilla
SHEPHARD OBE, Vernon Stanley (1893-1976) District Clerk of West Torrens Council
SHEPHERD, Harry 'Bill' (1916-1995) War Service, RSL Founder, West Torrens Councillor (Bill Shepherd Reserve)
SHINN, William Henry 'Bill' (1913-1980) Harness Racehorse trainer/driver
SHIERS, Walter Henry 'Wally' (1889-1968) Hilton, 1919 England to Australia Air Race
SKINNER family 86 Rowland Road/135 Burbridge Road, Cowandilla/Hilton (City of West Torrens Council Chambers site); John Skinner (1802-1865); Jane Skinner (née King) (1796-1846); William Skinner (1836-1903); Letitia Skinner (née Morris) (1840-1933); Eliza Jane Skinner (1862-1946) - First School Hilton; Eileen McNamara (née Skinner) (1915-2011)
SMITH OAM, John Arthur 'Jack' (1929-2018) Birkalla / West Torrens Birkalla Soccer Club, Jack Smith Park, Camden Oval; State and National Soccer Representative, SA Soccer Federation Committee
SPEARS, Stephen John (1951-2007) Playwright, Actor, Novelist, Mile End South
STANFORD DFC OAM, Ross Milton (1917-2006) West Torrens Cricket Club (1933-1955), State Cricket Representative; RAAF (1939-1946), Dambusters Squadron, Distinguished Flying Cross (Imperial) Medal
TOOHEY, James Philip (1909-1992) Hilton, Richmond, Labor Party
TWINING, Captain David Austral (1895-1931) War Service, Keswick
VEALE, Charles Richard John (1901-1970) West Torrens Councillor, 1939-1946, Mayor 1946-1954; Charles Veale Drive, West Beach
VIDMAR, Aurelio and Antony (Tony) Underdale, Australian Soccer Stars
WAIT, Ronald Ernest (1916-1998) West Torrens Councillor, Lockleys Ward, 1971-1989; Ron Wait Court, Lockleys
WARE, Charles Boxer (1870-1932) Thebarton Mayor, 1898-1901, Craiglee, (later Roseneath) 264 Henley Beach Road, Underdale
WATSON OBE, Stanley Holm (1887-1985) World War One, Gallipoli, Watsons Pier, Plympton RSL
WELLINGTON, Kingsley Rex (1930-2024) West Torrens Baseball Club, West Torrens Cricket Club, SA Baseball League Chair
WELLS, Daniel Joseph 'Joe' (c1910-1981) Councillor, City of West Torrens (1959-1980); 41 Mooringe Avenue, North Plympton (Joe Wells Reserve)
WERE, Walter (1881-1921) Busy Bee Joinery Works Danby and Northcote Streets, Torrensville
WHEATON, Eric Reuben (1881-1917) Wheaton Road, Plympton; AIF Fallen Anzac hero
WRIGHT, John Robert (1873-1954) / Wright Family, Grocer, Richmond Primary School Tuck Shop, 19 South Road, Keswick
WYATT, Dr William (c1804-1886) Early Pioneer and Landowner; Wyatt Benevolent Institution; Henry Allchurch (1859 - 1943), Kurralta Park subdivision
Richmond Lovelies, 1856-1963 (Daphne Todd OAM, Lois Brock OAM)
Volunteer Defence Corps, Lockleys 1940 (Arthur Herbert Cashmore)
Water Diviners of West Torrens 1910s-1920s (JE Rowell, Lockleys; TH Hayman, Lockleys; E.A. (Ted) Lasscock, Lockleys; Will Stanford, Lockleys; WH Evans, Findon; EJ Keele, St James Park)
Preserving Memories Project
The Preserving Memories project aim is to interview people who have lived in or had extensive connections to the West Torrens area. The West Torrens Historical Society in conjunction with the City of West Torrens invite them to share their memories and talk about the events and experiences which helped to make up their life's history. It allows us all the chance to reflect on the past and to preserve those memories into the future.
Download the participants stories:
Bills OAM (nee Milledge), Bev (unpublished)
Prettejohn, Frank (15 Apr 1919 - 21 Sep 2004) and Mary (24 Feb 1921 - 19 Jun 2024)
Tregoning, Gordon (19 Feb 1918 - 11 Jul 2013) (TREG trailers)
Wallis, Lorna (Wallis Refrigeration and Wallis Drive-ins and Cinemas)
The Hon. John Trainer OAM - coming soon
Delving into the past
Since its inception the West Torrens Historical Society has interviewed local residents to capture their valuable recollections of the West Torrens area. Some of the early interviews conducted in the 1978 are an insight into the conditions and lifestyles when these people were living back in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Later interviews reflect the changes and developments made in the area and to the way of life.
These interviews have been added to the City of West Torrens library catalogue and have an in-depth list of keywords to aid access to relevant records.
To search the full database, access the library catalogue here.